"We went from 9 months to payback to 2... then to 1... then to Day 1 Profits"

Welcome to the 90 Day Trend Accelerator, a Strategic Marketing and Development Program For SaaS, e-Comm, and Service Providers.

  • Sick of hacks & tactics leaving you on the marketing hamster wheel without solving the problem?

  • Fed up with using the “discount hammer” to meet sales KPIs?

  • Tired of buying endless software solutions that never deliver you to the ROI promised land?

How The 90 Day TrendAccelerator can help:

The program is based on a 5-step method used by the top
1% of marketers to attract, convert, and retain the best customers.

  1. The Emotional Index

  2. Strategy of Ascendency

  3. Results Focused Action

  4. Leadership Marketing

  5. Dynamic Selling

Emotional Index

Most companies use marketing that is too broad. Your ideal client can't fit your solution to their problem.
Here's how we fix it:

  • Focus on emotional outcomes

  • Talk to the right buyer

  • Know their pain

It doesn't matter if you're selling a $5 toy or a $65,000 a month enterprise software solution. Emotion drives both purchases. Understanding how to index those emotions, put them into language, and data-driven decisions based on market signals is what makes marketing efficient. (think positive ROAS)

Strategy of Ascendency

The Strategy of Ascendency is where you, quite literally, take control of the way your prospects look at competing offers. Using the Strategy of Ascendency puts the law of supply and demand to work for you. You'll "flip the script" and magnetically attract clients instead of chase them. You'll be the obvious, premium, choice. You'll limit objections, stalls, "let me talk to the boss" and other delays foisted on less well-positioned competition.

Results Focused Action

What's in it for them? Your prospect. Remember them? Too often your marketing's subtle, or not so subtle, message is it's all about your product, your solution. Results Focused Action is the way you will get your prospect the dream outcome.

This isn't about you adding more deliverables, features, or freebies. This is you understanding what your prospective buyer wants. Let everyone else race to the bottom and compete on price. When you can communicate the way you get results... it instantly sets you apart from the competition.

Leadership Marketing

This is the ninja stuff... the power behind the throne... We all know it takes a bunch of interactions to generate a response... 7... 12... 14... who knows. Its rarely just one. When you add in Leadership Marketing, you'll have a weapon hiding in plain sight, positioning you as the Leader in your space.

Dynamic Selling

Selling isn't what it used to be. Trust is out the window, hard "coffee is for closers" kind of tactics just aren't going to work. Dynamic Sales leads your prospective customer to make the logical choice (that's you) without pushing, prodding, or pulling out the "701 Closing Techniques of Master Closers".

And it's as simple as Discovery -> Offer -> Close

Put It All Together and Become a Market Leader In the Next 90 Days

Say goodbye to guess-work or hoping you find that "magic CMO". Stack these 5 steps to magnetically attract the best clients to you... and

within 3 months you could be…

  • Raising your prices

  • Getting more of the best customers

  • Confidently executing a structured, proven marketing plan

I work with a small number of companies each month to implement the 90 Day Trend Accelerator. If you're interested, I'll call you. Just pick a date and time after you click the button below:

Who is this guy "Maceo" anyway?

My rise to fame (or infamy, depending on who you ask) started with the FOREX craze. I built a business starting with a $25,000 loan from my dad to one selling $56 million per year in training, seminars, and software.

We employed 126 people, 8 killer coaches, and a sales team of 16. I've personally done over 5,000 sales presentations on webinars. I've sold millions from the stage and I've hired and trained hundreds of killer on-the-phone closers.

During our peak growth, my systems allowed me to hire, train, and onboard 10 new staff each week. All while we were selling 5x more and making 32x the profit as our competition.

I built that company to a $480 million valuation and was making a legitimate run at the "billionaire club". But, for intensely, intimately personal reasons, I decided to take a different path. (feel free to ask about it on our call... and no, it's not a cult or scandal... far from it)

If you want to check me out, I've listed a small sample of interviews I've done in the last 18 months or so. Images link right to Google. Enjoy and grab your spot while they're still available.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in this training are my personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. My results are not typical. I am in no way implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). "Average results" are little to no results. Your results will vary. Your results will depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If you’re not willing to accept that, please LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW.

*Earnings and income representations made by Maceo Jourdan and https://kaizencro.com/ and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results